Research Interests

My focus is on interdisciplinary research at the crossroads of electrical and computer engineering and biomedical engineering.

My current research is on applying principles from RF and antennas engineering to improve imaging capabilities of MRI.

My goal is to develop open-source tools and hardware to increase accessibility for everyone.

Stretchable MRI Coil Technology

Exploring flexible and stretchable MRI coils using conductive threads, conductive fabric, and 3D printed materials to enhance image quality and improve the patient experience at the MRI scanner.

Automatic Tuning of MRI Coils

Maximizing the potential of MRI coil hardware by automatically detecting and adjusting the resonant frequency of the coils through the use of integrated circuit-based control system.

Assistive Technology for Rehabilitation Patients

Developing a patented training system for rehabilitating patients with vestibular balance disorder for use in rural hospitals and for virtual delivery of rehabilitation (telerehabilitation).

Early-Onset Cancer Detection

Improvements to MRI detection of tumors and cancers through hardware improvements and post-processing of the MR image.

Optimizing 4D Flow Imaging of Cerebrospinal Fluid

Electromagnetic simulations used to optimize the spatial and temporal resolution of 4D flow MRI to improve visibility of spinal procedures.

Microprocessor Systems Design

Developing open-source microprocessor-based systems using model-based designs to solve engineering problems as a low cost to commercial products.